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Vol. 11, Issue 6 (2022)

Genetic divergence in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)

Sunil Kumar, Chander Mohan, JP Singh, Vikrant Singh and Ramlakhan Verma
Ninety genotypes and three checks were classified into six non-over lapping clusters on the basis of non-hierarchical Euclidean cluster analysis for yield and growth traits. The maximum (2.997) intra cluster distance was seen in cluster III and minimum (0.000) was observed in VI and V. The maximum inter cluster distance 13.414 was found in between clusters VI and V, followed by 10.279 between clusters I and VI than 10.047 between clusters II and VI. Whereas, minimum inter cluster distance 2.694 was observed between clusters IV and II, followed by 2.890 between clusters III and I and 3.085 between clusters II and I. Cluster I have the maximum number of genotypes (25) followed by cluster II and III have 23 genotypes in each cluster. The minimum numbers of genotypes have cluster V and VI only one genotypes in each cluster. The grouping of genotypes in clusters reflects the relative divergence of clusters and allows a convenient selection group of genotypes with their overall phenotypic similarity for hybridization programme facilitating better exploitation of germplasm. Thus it may be suggested that crosses between accessions of clusters VI & V, I & VI and II & VI may result in substantial segregates and further selection for overall improvement of species may be possible.
Pages: 251-253  |  406 Views  164 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Sunil Kumar, Chander Mohan, JP Singh, Vikrant Singh, Ramlakhan Verma. Genetic divergence in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):251-253.

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