Protein, methionine and tryptophan content of food legumes as influenced by processing treatments
Shubhi Pandey and PS Kendurkar
Whole grain, dhal and germinated grains of certain important varieties of chickpea and pea were analyzed for nutritional characteristics to determine the impact of dehusking and germination on the nutritional quality of different varieties of food legumes. Whole grain samples of all the varieties of chickpea and pea were also analyzed for physical and processing characteristics. Results showed wide and significant differences within and between the groups. It was found that chickpea varieties contained maximum levels of protein in grains (24.16%), dhal (27.28%) and germinated grain (24.90%), while among different varieties of pea it was 20.25% in grains, 21.37% in dhals and 24.90% in germinated grains. Similar trends were noticed in mean methionine and mean tryptophan content which indicated the superiority of chickpea varieties over pea varieties.
How to cite this article:
Shubhi Pandey, PS Kendurkar. Protein, methionine and tryptophan content of food legumes as influenced by processing treatments. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):233-235.