Effect of different levels of NPK and Vermicompost on physico-chemical properties of soil, growth and yield of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus L.] var. Kashi Kranti
Karishma Choudhary, Narendra Swaroop, Jadhav Ravindra and Tarence Thomas
A field experiment was carried out during kharif season of 2021 to evaluate the “Effect of Different Levels of NPK and Vermicompost on Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil, Growth and Yield of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus L.] var. Kashi Kranti” in inceptisol soil. The experiment was laid down in 3x3 randomized block design having three factors with three levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium through Urea, SSP, MOP 0, 50, 100% and also three levels of Vermicompost 0, 50 and 100% respectively. The result showed that in treatment T9 has maximum yield 12.48 q ha-1 regarding, gave the best results with respect to plant height 114.54 cm, number of leaves plant-1 49.31, number of branch plant-1 47.27, number of fruit plant-1 (19.87), and yield of fruits q ha-1 (148.59) and T9 provides highest cost benefit ratio 1: 2.82 and net profit ₹87535.43 ha-1 in okra were to found best treatment combination.
How to cite this article:
Karishma Choudhary, Narendra Swaroop, Jadhav Ravindra, Tarence Thomas. Effect of different levels of NPK and Vermicompost on physico-chemical properties of soil, growth and yield of Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus L.] var. Kashi Kranti. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(6):167-169.