Estimation of heterosis for yield and its components in Dolichos bean (Dolichos lablab L.)
Dhaneshwari N Pachkhande, DS Phad, SM Ghawade, DT Deshmukh, MR Wandhare and Abhilasha P Kharkar
A Line x tester analysis was done with eight parents in view to obtain best heterotic crosses for yield and its attributing traits. Heterosis over mid-parents and standard check were estimated for yield and its contributing characters in 15 cross combinations. The hybrids viz., AK-WAL-18-25 X DOL-VARK-18-04, AK-WAL-18-15 X DOL-VARK-18-01, AK-WAL-18-16 X DOL-VARK-18-02, AK-WAL-18-16 X Phule gauri and AK-WAL-18-25 X DOL-VARK-18-02 were identified as promising crosses for green pod yield per plant thus, these crosses needs further evaluation in preliminary or multilocation hybrid trials for further commercial exploitation. In some crosses primary branches per plant, average pod weight, seeds per pod and pod length also contributed towards green pod yield per plant. The crosses which are showing highest heterotic effects and per se performance, could be considered for exploitation of hybrid vigour.
How to cite this article:
Dhaneshwari N Pachkhande, DS Phad, SM Ghawade, DT Deshmukh, MR Wandhare, Abhilasha P Kharkar. Estimation of heterosis for yield and its components in Dolichos bean (Dolichos lablab L.). Pharma Innovation 2022;11(4):2107-2109.