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Vol. 11, Issue 3 (2022)

Preparation and organoleptic evaluation of banana (cv. Rajapuri) pseudostem candy

Harshitha SB, Laxman Kukanoor, K Ramachandra Naik, Kantharaju V, Praveen Jolgikar, Kirankumar Gorabal and Suhasini Jalawadi
The core of the banana pseudostem is most suitable for the preparation of the osmotically dehydrated candy. The banana (cv. Rajapuri) pseudostem candy was prepared and evaluated during both the year 2019-20 and 2020-21 at the laboratory, Department of Post-harvest Technology, KRC, College of Horticulture Arabhavi, Karnataka (India). The prepared candies were stored for 90 days under ambient storage conditions. The sensory parameters like colour and appearance,texture,taste and flavour and overall acceptability were evaluated by the semi-trained panel of judges using 9-point hedonic scale at initial and also at 30 days interval up to 3 months of storage. Among different treatments, banana pseudostem candies prepared by steam blanching of cubes for 2.5 minutes and steeping them in 40-60ºBrix syrup with the addition of pineapple flavour (T6) recorded highest organoleptic scores for colour and appearance (7.88), texture (7.99), taste and flavour (8.11) and overall acceptability (8.15) after three months of storage compared to control, which recorded the lowest score for all the organoleptic parameters.
Pages: 1577-1580  |  793 Views  426 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Harshitha SB, Laxman Kukanoor, K Ramachandra Naik, Kantharaju V, Praveen Jolgikar, Kirankumar Gorabal, Suhasini Jalawadi. Preparation and organoleptic evaluation of banana (cv. Rajapuri) pseudostem candy. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(3):1577-1580.

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