Studies on performance of fodder crops in problematic soils and water
K Anny Mrudhula, Y Sudha Rani, P Venkata Subbaiah and A Sambaiah
A field experiment was conducted to study the performance of fodder crops in problematic soils at farmer’s field at Bhavanamvari Palem village during spring season 2017-18. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design which replicated thrice. The treatments were fodder crops like cowpea, stylo, hedge lucerne, alfalfa, CoFS-29, panthchari-6, and sweet sudan grass. The initial soil having pH 8.5, EC 0.9 dS m-1 and SAR meq-1. The bore well water having salinity of 7.1 is used for irrigation. The results showed that out of seven fodder crops tested, sweet sudan grass recorded the maximum biomass yield of 44.8 t/ha followed by CoFS-29 (40.1 t/ha) and Panthchari-6 (38.6 t/ha) where as the lowest biomass yield was recorded with stylo 5.3 t/ha respectively.
How to cite this article:
K Anny Mrudhula, Y Sudha Rani, P Venkata Subbaiah, A Sambaiah. Studies on performance of fodder crops in problematic soils and water. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(2):590-592.