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Vol. 11, Issue 2 (2022)

Study of genetic divergence for yield and yield attributing traits of wild germplasm in rice

Ganesh Kumar Koli, Sameer Upadhyay, SR Rathi, Sneha Gupta, Gayatri Kumawat, PK Singh and B Sinha
An experiment was conducted with forty wild rice germplasm lines (Oryza nivara and Oryza rufipogon) at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during kharif season 2018 and evaluated for twelve quantitative characters using D2 analysis in order to study the diversity pattern among the wild genotypes. The genotypes were grouped into 7 clusters. Maximum number of genotypes (32) were grouped under cluster I followed by cluster IV with 3 genotypes, while clusters II, III, V, VI and VIII, had only one genotype each. The maximum inter-cluster distance was observed between II and VII (588.21) followed by clusters I and VII (305.92). Hence, the genotypes in cluster II viz., WRG(NKS)-426 had wider diversity with WRG(NKS)-440 in cluster VII and the genotypes in cluster I viz., WRG(NKS)-401, WRG(NKS)-402, WRG(NKS)-403, WRG(NKS)-404, WRG(NKS)-405, WRG(NKS)-406, WRG(NKS)-407, WRG(NKS)-408, WRG(NKS)-409, WRG(NKS)-410, WRG(NKS)-411, WRG(NKS)-412, WRG(NKS)-413, WRG(NKS)-414, WRG(NKS)-415, WRG(NKS)-416, WRG(NKS)-417, WRG(NKS)-418, WRG(NKS)-419, WRG(NKS)-422, WRG(NKS)-423, WRG(NKS)-425, WRG(NKS)-427, WRG(NKS)-428, WRG(NKS)-430, WRG(NKS)-431, WRG(NKS)-432, WRG(NKS)-433, WRG(NKS)-435, WRG(NKS)-436, WRG(NKS)-437 and WRG(NKS)-438 had wider diversity with WRG(NKS)-440 in cluster VII, and these lines may be utilized in further breeding programme for the exploitation of hybrid vigour. The intra-cluster distance was maximum in cluster I (44.67) followed by cluster IV (40.31) indicating hybridization involving genotypes within the same clusters may result in good cross combinations. The trait, total grain yield per plant contributed maximum (32.18%) towards total genetic divergence followed by filled grain per panicle (15.00%) and test weight of grain (14.36%). Therefore, these characters may be given importance during hybridization programmes.
Pages: 472-474  |  454 Views  97 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Ganesh Kumar Koli, Sameer Upadhyay, SR Rathi, Sneha Gupta, Gayatri Kumawat, PK Singh, B Sinha. Study of genetic divergence for yield and yield attributing traits of wild germplasm in rice. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(2):472-474.

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