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Vol. 11, Issue 2 (2022)

Effect of organic and inorganic amendments and their combination on phosphorus availability and uptake in grain and straw of various rice genotypes under Sodic soils

Suraj Mali and Sanjay Tiwari
Sodic soils have immense productivity potential, if managed through proper technology interventions. Bio-compost is prepared by composting pressmud (a sugar industry byproduct) received from cane juice filtration and spent wash received from distilleries through microbial aerobic decomposition and gypsum received from waste material of mining can be used to reclaim sodic soils and increase nitrogen availability in soils. A field experiments were carried out during Kharif seasons 2018 & 2019 at ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Sub Regional Station, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar. Our objective was to study the increase phosphorous availability & uptake by rice genotypes under sodic soils. The results obtained from the present investigation revealed that the mean of soil reaction (pH) of all genotypes ranged from 9.10 to 9.23 during 2018 and 9.01 to 9.11 during 2019. The mean of available phosphorous in all genotypes varied from 15.36 to 17.03 kg ha-1 in the first year while in the second year it varied from 14.21 to 16.26 kg ha-1. The mean phosphorus uptake in grain of the genotypes varied from 10.01 kg ha-1 to 15.35 kg ha-1 in the first year while in the second year it varied from 10.56 kg ha-1 to 15.15 kg ha-1 and the phosphorus uptake in straw of the genotypes varied between 2.63 kg ha-1 to 3.61 kg ha-1 in the first year while in the second year it varied between 2.71 kg ha-1 to 3.61 kg ha-1.
Pages: 440-445  |  451 Views  121 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Suraj Mali, Sanjay Tiwari. Effect of organic and inorganic amendments and their combination on phosphorus availability and uptake in grain and straw of various rice genotypes under Sodic soils. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(2):440-445.

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