A case study of bio-inoculants as prospective inputs in India for achieving sustainability
Vishram Meena, Amitava Rakshit, Shankar Lal Bijarnia, Harish Kumar Bijarnia and Mahesh Kumar Yadav
In the present case study, use and major manufacturer /industries involved for production of bio-inoculants in India has been presented. The total number of units including public, private and cooperatives estimated to be 297. Maharashtra is having the highest number of private companies (68) followed by Gujarat (56) while Tamil Nadu have the highest number public sector units (7) and Delhi is having highest number of co-operatives units (3). Production data (carrier base in MT) revealed that Gujarat (6575 MT) topped the list first followed by Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka (2589.9 MT) during 2016-17. Zone wise bio-fertilizer production in India during the same period is highest in Karnataka both in carrier-based formulation (31553.06 MT) and liquid based formulation (993.443 KL).
How to cite this article:
Vishram Meena, Amitava Rakshit, Shankar Lal Bijarnia, Harish Kumar Bijarnia, Mahesh Kumar Yadav. A case study of bio-inoculants as prospective inputs in India for achieving sustainability. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(1):1580-1586.