Abstract:The field experiment was carried out during
Rabi season of 2020-21 at Hi-tech Horticulture unit, Main Agriculture Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad to study the effect of plant growth regulators and micronutrients on yield and quality of tomato under protected condition. The experiment was designed with Randomized Block Design replicated thrice with nine treatments which include foliar spray of three plant growth regulators and four micronutrients
viz., T
1 - Control (No application of growth regulators and micronutrients), T
2 - GA
3 (Gibberellic acid) @ 30 ppm, T
3 - CCC (Cycocel) @ 250 ppm, T
4 - NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid) @ 30 ppm, T
5 - Boric acid @ 100 ppm, T
6 - ZnSO
4 @ 100 ppm, T
7 - CuSO
4 @ 100 ppm, T
8 - MnSO
4 @ 100 ppm, T
9 - Mixed micronutrients (B+Zn+Cu+Mn) @ 100 ppm.
The findings of the experiment revealed that maximum number of fruits per plant (28.14), average fruit weight (68.32 g), yield (1.92 kg/plant, 7.69 kg/m2 & 71.21 t/ha), pericarp thickness (6.47 mm), TSS (5.95 0B), ascorbic acid (32 mg/100 g), lycopene content (6.05 mg/100 g) and shelf life (20 days) was observed in treatment T5 (Boric acid @ 100 ppm) whereas, highest dry matter content (6.74%) and titratable acidity (0.62%) were recorded in treatment T6 (ZnSO4 @ 100 ppm).