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Vol. 11, Issue 1 (2022)

Assessment of productivity and profitability of pigeon pea var. TJT 501 through cluster front line demonstration in Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh

Dhananjai Singh, Pushpa Jharia, Amrita Tiwari, AK Patel and MS Baghel
Pigeon pea is a popular kharif crop in the Sidhi district. From 2016-17 to 2018-19, the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Center) set up a Front Line Demonstration, introducing new and high producing varieties and applying scientific procedures to their cultivation. FLDs were conducted in several villages in the Sidhi district. During these years of research, a total of 90 ha of land were covered by package demonstrations on pigeonpea against their own challenges, with 225 farmers benefiting from the technology. Under scientific technology, the highest average yield, net return, and lowest wilt incidence and pod borer damage were achieved at 13.45 q/ha, Rs 38679 / ha, and 0.27 percent and 7.1 percent, respectively, compared to farmers practices at 7.88 q/ha, Rs 20103 and higher wilt incidence 0.44 percent and pod borer damage 14.3 percent. Under recommended practices, the highest number of pods/plant (87.7), number of grain/pod (3.4), Test weight (82.6g), and grain yield (13.48 q/ha) were observed when compared to farmers' conventional practices, which had the lowest number of pods/plant (74.3), number of grain/pod (2.7), Test weight (78.7g), and grain yield (7.66 q/ha). Improved technology yielded a maximum average cost-benefit ratio of 3.10, compared to 2.58 for farmers' technology. The demonstration's economic viability was demonstrated by a favorable cost-benefit ratio, which persuaded farmers to embrace improved technology practices. The method was acceptable for increasing the production of the pigeonpea crop, and it is recommended that similar demonstrations be conducted as part of the technology transfer programme by KVKs or other TOT institutes.
Pages: 523-526  |  449 Views  135 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Dhananjai Singh, Pushpa Jharia, Amrita Tiwari, AK Patel, MS Baghel. Assessment of productivity and profitability of pigeon pea var. TJT 501 through cluster front line demonstration in Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2022;11(1):523-526.

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