Abstract:A field experiment was conducted during late
kharif season of 2018-19 and 2019-20 in sandy clay loam soil of high altitude and tribal zone at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Chintapalli, Andhra Pradesh. The experiment consists of three main plot treatments involving different combinations of sowing windows from second fortnight of August to second fortnight of September with six different varieties.
Among the three sowing dates of rajmash, August second fortnight sowing produced higher yields of 971 kg/ha followed by September first fortnight with 885 kg/ha and lowest yields were recorded during September second fortnight sowing (587.7 kg/ha) and the varieties Amber (1131.3 kg/ha), Utkarsh (954.3 kg/ha) and arun (806.1 kg/ha) varieties performed well sown during August second fortnight.