Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizer on plant growth and spike yield of Golden Rod (Solidago canadensis L.) cv. Golden Gate
Suhashi, Samir E Topno, Vijay Bahadur, Y Venkata Reddy, Krishna Kumar Sudhansu and Amrita
A field experiment entitled “Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizer on plant growth and spike yield of Golden Rod (Solidago Canadensis L.) cv. Golden Gate was carried out on Experimental field, Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Science. Based on the experiment, Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizer on plant growth and spike yield of Golden Rod (Solidago Canadensis L.) cv. Golden Gate, it is concluded that T6 RDF (150:100:100) + FYM10 t ha-1 + BF 10 kg ha-1+ NC 2 t ha-1 has shown the best treatment in terms of plant growth and yield of Golden Rod cv. Golden Gate. In which it has shown best plant height, plant spread (cm) in (E-W and N-S), length of the stalk, weight of the stalk, number of stalks per plant, number of days taken for 50% flowering and 100% flowering and vase life when kept in water. As far as economics concerned, application treatment found best T6 RDF (150:100:100) + FYM10 t ha-1 + BF 10 kg ha-1+ NC 2 t ha-1 maximum net returns with maximum BCR (4.51).
How to cite this article:
Suhashi, Samir E Topno, Vijay Bahadur, Y Venkata Reddy, Krishna Kumar Sudhansu, Amrita. Effect of organic, inorganic and biofertilizer on plant growth and spike yield of Golden Rod (Solidago canadensis L.) cv. Golden Gate. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(9):1745-1748.