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Vol. 10, Issue 9 (2021)

Efficacy of newer insecticide against White grub (Holotrichia consanguinea B.) in pearl millet under semi-arid conditions

SK Choudhary, Swaroop Singh, JK Bana and BL Tandi
Field experiments were conducted at Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (SKNAU), Durgapura, India to evaluate the efficacy of newer insecticide against white grub (Holotrichia consanguinea) in pearl millet during 2014-15 and 2015-16 in semi-arid arid conditions. Plant damage due to white grub was recorded at 20, 40 and 60 days after germination. It was observed that all insecticidal treatments were found statistically superior over untreated control (29.87% plant damage, 11.88 q/ha grain yield and 25.71 q/ha fodder yield) and maximum plant protection over control (84.87%), least plant damage (4.52%) due to white grub and maximum yields (21.64 q/ha grain yield and 42.58 q/ha fodder yield) were recorded in the treatment of fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% 80 WG @ 300 g/ha followed by imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 300 ml/ha (plant protection over control 82.86%, plant damage 5.12%, 21.62 q/ha grain yield and 42.14 q/ha fodder yield) and fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% 80 WG @ 250 g/ha (plant protection over control 79.68%, plant damage 6.07%, 20.00 q/ha grain yield and 40.42 q/ha fodder yield) and these were found at par to each other. The minimum plant protection over control (42.62%), maximum plant damage (17.14%) due to white grub and minimum yield (14.46 q/ha grain yield and 30.29 q/ha fodder yield) was found in standard check (furrow application of carbofuran 3 G @ 12 kg/ha), however found at par with thiamethoxam 35 FS @ 300 ml/ha (plant protection over control 46.23%, plant damage 16.06%, 14.59 q/ha grain yield and 30.53 q/ha fodder yield) and clothianidin 50 WDG @ 250 g/ha. The imidacloprid 17.8 SL gave highest benefit cost ratio (1:12.72) followed by fipronil 40%+ imidacloprid 40% 80 WG (1:3.21).
Pages: 1150-1154  |  559 Views  382 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
SK Choudhary, Swaroop Singh, JK Bana, BL Tandi. Efficacy of newer insecticide against White grub (Holotrichia consanguinea B.) in pearl millet under semi-arid conditions. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(9):1150-1154.

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