Abstract:An experiment was conducted during two subsequent years i.e., 2018-19 and 2019-20 to study the effect of foliar application of NAA and Boron
on the physico-chemical parameters of guava cv. Lucknow-49. For this study sixteen treatments
viz., four levels of each NAA (0, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) and Boron (0, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8%) and their combinations were used in a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with three replications. Individual application of NAA at 75 ppm not only significantly maximized physical parameters of fruit
viz., fruit length (7.00 and 7.12 cm), fruit diameter (7.32 and 7.37 cm), fruit weight (185.42 and 188.83 g), fruit volume (184.47 and 188.45 cc) but also enhanced quality parameters of fruits and recorded highest TSS content (12.28 and 12.35
oBrix), total sugars (6.55 and 6.64%), TSS/acid ratio 33.34 reducing sugar
(4.21 and 4.26%), non-reducing sugar (2.34 and 2.38%), pectin (0.75 and 0.78%) and Vitamin-C content (182.48 and 183.67 mg/100g) with significantly least titratable acidity (0.382 and 0.378%) in guava fruits.
Sprays of 0.6% boron enhanced fruit length (7.09 and 7.24 cm), fruit diameter (7.42 and 7.48 cm), fruit weight (189.80 and 193.91 g), fruit volume (188.32 and 192.75 cc), TSS content (12.50 and 12.56 oBrix) total sugars (6.49 and 6.58%), TSS/acid ratio (35.1) non-reducing sugar (2.33 and 2.37%), pectin (0.77 and 0.79%) and vitamin-C content (186.02 and 187.35 mg/100g) in guava fruits. Likewise, maximum reducing sugar content (4.23 and 4.29%) and significantly least acidic fruits (0.358 and 0.351%) were obtained with boron 0.8%. In study of N2 B2 significantly maximized fruit diameter (7.82 and 7.87 cm), fruit weight (207.24 and 212.20 g), fruit volume (204.08 and 207.98 cc) along with TSS (14.11 and 14.25 oBrix), total sugar (7.55 and 7.65%), TSS/acid ratio (42.59) reducing sugar (4.71 and 4.76%), non-reducing sugar (2.84 and 2.89%), vitamin-C content (201.98 and 203.16 mg) and significantly minimized acidity content (0.331 and 0.321%).