Per se performance of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes for yield and yield related traits
Pallerla Saisupriya, P Saidaiah, SR Pandravada and Hari Kishan Sudini
An field experiment was conductedat College of Horticulture, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Hyderabad during Kharif, 2019 and at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional station, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during Rabi, 2019-20.Thirty five chilli genotypes were evaluated for 17 yield and yield related traits. The analysis of variance revealed that the genotypes differed significantly among themselves for all the characters under study indicating the presence of sufficient amount of variability. The results of mean performances of 35 genotypes for seventeen characters revealed that the genotype IC-347044 was superior for yield and yield contributing characters i.e., fruit yield per plant (0.820 kg) and yield per plot (11.54 kg). The genotype IC-363918 was found to be superior for plant height (102.48 cm) and number of fruits per plant (166.66), genotype IC-215012 was superior for plant spread (5950.50 cm2), and number of primary branches per plant (5.15) and ascorbic acid content (191.80 mg/100gm). Genotype IC-561655 was found to be early for days to first flowering (36.25 days), days to 50% flowering (45.78 days), days to first harvest (66.66 days) and genotype IC-447018 was found to be early for days to last harvest (131.50 days). The genotype IC-347044 was found to be superior for fruit length (14.80 cm) and IC-610381 for fruit diameter (2.21 cm). Fruit weight was maximum in genotype Sindhur (11.81 g). High chlorophyll content (2.24%) was recorded in genotypes EC-402113 and EC-399535. High capsaicin (0.83%) in IC-363993 and capsanthin content (373.52 ASTA units) in IC-561622 were recorded.
How to cite this article:
Pallerla Saisupriya, P Saidaiah, SR Pandravada, Hari Kishan Sudini. Per se performance of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes for yield and yield related traits. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(9):306-311.