Standardization of spacing and nitrogen dose for Yard long bean (Vigna unguiculata sub sp. sesquipedalis L. Verdcourt) under Konkan agro- climatic conditions
SS Painginkar, YR Parulekar, NV Dalvi and RV Dhopavkar
The present investigation was carried out at College of Horticulture, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri during rabi 2020-2021. The experiment was laid out in Split Plot Design with three replications. There were 12 treatment combinations comprised of three different spacing viz., S1 (90 cm x 15 cm), S2 (90 cm x 30 cm), S3 (90 cm x 45 cm) and four nitrogen levels viz., N1 (45:60:30 NPK kg/ha), N2 (60:60:30 NPK kg/ha), N3 (75:60:30 NPK kg/ha), N4 (90:60:30 NPK kg/ha). The obtained results showed that all the parameters were markedly affected by different spacing, nitrogen levels. Among various spacing and nitrogen levels significantly maximum pod yield per hectare (31.10 t/ha) were recorded in S2N3. Hence, evaluation of production revealed that growing of Yard long bean @15t FYM/ compost at 90 cm x 30 cm spacing with fertilizer application at the rate of 75:60:30 NPK kg/ha was most remunerative option to get higher yield and more return under Konkan agro climatic conditions.
How to cite this article:
SS Painginkar, YR Parulekar, NV Dalvi, RV Dhopavkar. Standardization of spacing and nitrogen dose for Yard long bean (Vigna unguiculata sub sp. sesquipedalis L. Verdcourt) under Konkan agro- climatic conditions. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(9):167-171.