Abstract:Wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.) is a widely adapted crop. It is grown from temperate, irrigated to dry and high-rain-fall areas and from warm, humid to dry, cold environments. Seed produced under zero tillage condition leads to moisture stress in the field condition which might affect the vigour potential of seed. Generally stress (moisture) has deleterious effect on germination and vigour of crop.In the present investigation, the single lot of wheat variety DBW 14 was sown under two different tillage conditions after treatments with different seed enhancement agents with the objective to assess their effect on seed vigour potential. Seed vigour potential of seed lot produced under zero tillage was comparatively inferior to that of normal tillage. Treatment with KNO
3 (2%) significantly improved followed by combined treatment of KNO
3 (2%) and Bavistin, (2g/kg of seed) of all the seed vigour potential parameters
viz., 100 seed weight, standard germination, seedling dry weight, seedling length, vigour index-I and vigour index-II, mean emergence time and field emergence index show lower value in zero tillage condition in comparison to normal tillage.
In field parameters seed yield and its component traits of seed lot produced under zero tillage was comparatively inferior to that of normal tillage. Treatment with CaCl2 (2%) followed by Bavistin (T7, 2 gram per kg of seed) significantly improved followed by combined treatment of hydration with distilled water followed by Bavistin (T6, 2 gram per kg of seed) of all the seed yield component parameters viz., plant height, seed yield per plant, seed yield per square meter, number of spike per square meter, number of seeds per spike and harvest index per plant which was lower value in zero tillage condition than in normal tillage.