Effect of NPK levels and Rhizobium on soil physico-chemical properties, growth, yield and economics of summer black gram (Vigna munga L.) var. Shekhar-2
Raghu Nandan Singh Khatana, Tarence Thomas, Akshita Barthwal and Tarun Kumar
A field experiment was carried out at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry research farm SHUATS, Prayagraj during Kharif season 2018-2019. The experiment was laid out in 3×3 randomized block design with three replications, consisting of nine treatments to evaluate the effect of different levels of N, P, K and Rhizobium on soil properties, growth and yield of Black Gram (Vigna munga L.) var. SHEKHAR-2. The basic information, on the physico-chemical properties indicated that the soil of the experimental field belongs to inceptisol having sandy loam texture with light brown colour which was medium in organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Based on mean performance Treatment T8 @ (100% NPK + 100% Rhizobium) was found to be best in data recorded in post harvest soil as pH (6.8), electrical conductivity (0.26 dS m-1), O.C (0.75%), Pore space (57.26%), Bulk density (1.09 Mg m-3), particle density (2.52 Mg m-3), nitrogen (335.23 kg ha-1), phosphorus (34.86 kg ha-1), and potassium (205.54 kg ha-1). Similarly T8 yielded significant results with plant height (cm) 40.9 (30 DAS), 49.12 (45 DAS), 60.16 (60 DAS) and number of leaves per plant recorded at 30, 45 and 60 DAS 17, 29, 32 respectively. Moreover, number of pods per plant (38.77) at maturity and seed yield (12.1 q ha-1) at harvest also found significant with T8. Soil properties as available N, P, K, pH, O.C and porosity were found to be significant while EC, bulk density and particle density were non-significant of soil under black gram crop. There was significant improvement recorded in growth, yield, and soil physico-chemical properties. Seed yield was increased by 52.20% in treatment T8 over control however; combination of rhizobium and NPK levels had proved significant influence on plant height, number of leaves, number of pod and physico-chemical properties of soil under black gram. Furthermore, economics of different treatment, the maximum gross returns (₹ 72600 ha-1), net returns (₹ 40974 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.29) was recorded under treatment T8 for urd bean.
How to cite this article:
Raghu Nandan Singh Khatana, Tarence Thomas, Akshita Barthwal, Tarun Kumar. Effect of NPK levels and Rhizobium on soil physico-chemical properties, growth, yield and economics of summer black gram (Vigna munga L.) var. Shekhar-2. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1555-1561.