Assessment of heavy metals and Physico-chemical properties of soil near the mining areas of Mayurbhanj district, Odisha
Satya Ranjan Mohanta, Arun Alfred David, Narendra Swaroop, Tarence Thomas and Amreen Hasan
The twenty seven soil samples were collected from nine different villages on October 2020 in three different blocks of Mayurbhanj district. The collected soil samples were analyzed for their physico-chemical parameters and presence of heavy metals by using standard laboratory techniques. The result showed that the soils of Bahalda, Kusumi and Rairangpur blocks are from sandy loam to clay loam in soil texture, strongly acidic to moderately acidic in soil reaction, in dry conditions the soil reflected reddish brown to brownish yellow colour and in wet condition, reflected dark reddish brown to brownish yellow colour, medium to high Soil organic carbon content, low to medium in nitrogen content, very low to low in phosphorus content, low to medium in potassium content, moderate amount of Ca, low amount of Mg, deficient in sulphur and in heavy metals; Zn content are deficient where Fe, Cu and Mn are in sufficient range. Because of the mining areas, soil contain higher amount of iron oxides which is dangerous for crop production. The deficient nutrient can be replenished to avoid the crop suffering from the deficiency and optimum utilization of nutrients. Integrated nutrient management can be adopted for sustainable soil fertility management as well as to achieve higher crop production.
How to cite this article:
Satya Ranjan Mohanta, Arun Alfred David, Narendra Swaroop, Tarence Thomas, Amreen Hasan. Assessment of heavy metals and Physico-chemical properties of soil near the mining areas of Mayurbhanj district, Odisha. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1430-1436.