Influence of planting material and plant growth regulators on plant growth and rhizome size of turmeric
Sweta Gawande, PK Nagre and VS Kale
An investigation were undertaken on influence of planting material and plant growth regulators on growth and rhizome size of turmeric at Department of Horticulture, Dr. PDKV. Akola, Maharashtra. During 2017-18 and 2018-19. There were 18 treatments laid in FRBD with 2 replications viz., M1-Mother rhizome M2-Primary finger and P1- GA3 – 100 ppm, P2- GA3 – 200 ppm, P3- Ethrel – 50 ppm, P4- Ethrel - 100 ppm, P5- Kinetin - 50 ppm, P6- Kinetin - 100 ppm, P7 - Cycocel – 250 ppm, P8- Cycocel - 500 ppm, P9- Control – Water. The results revealed that the growth and rhizome size were significantly influenced by the planting material and plant growth regulators. Among the planting material, M1 i.e. Mother rhizome was found significantly superior in respect of days for emergence, emergence count (%), plant height, leaf area (Cm2) and plant survival (%) and M2 i.e. Primary finger was found significantly superior in terms of no. of tillers/plant, no. of leaves/plant, length of mother rhizome, girth of mother rhizome, length of primary finger, girth of primary finger, weight of mother rhizome, weight of primary finger. Regarding the PGR’s P5-Kinetin 50 ppm was found significantly superior for days for emergence and emergence count (%). The treatment P2-GA3-200 ppm was found significantly superior in plant height at 180 DAP and leaf area. The treatment P8-CCC 500 ppm was found maximum no.of tillers and maximum no. of leaves/plant, length and girth of mother rhizome, length and girth of primary finger and weight of mother rhizome and primary finger. An interaction effect of planting material and PGR’s in respect of growth parameters i.e. days for emergence and emergence count (%) was found significant with treatment combination M1P5-Mother rhizome + Kinetin 50 ppm. Plant height and leaf area was found superior in treatment combination M1P2-Mother rhizome + GA3 200 ppm. No. of tillers/plant, no. of leaves /plant, length of mother rhizome, girth of mother rhizome, length of primary finger, girth of primary finger, weight of mother rhizome/plant, weight of primary finger/plant was found significantly superior in treatment combination of M2P8-Primary finger + CCC 500 ppm.
How to cite this article:
Sweta Gawande, PK Nagre, VS Kale. Influence of planting material and plant growth regulators on plant growth and rhizome size of turmeric. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1268-1272.