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Vol. 10, Issue 8 (2021)

Integrated nutrient management (INM) on growth and yield of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula L.) cv. GARG-1

HS Patel, NB Patel, JP Sarvaiya and SL Chawla
The present experiment was conducted during summer season 2020 and 2021 at the Vegetable Research Farm, Regional Horticultural Research Station of the Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design (RBD) with four replications, which included 8 treatments. Treatment (T7) 50% RDF + 25% RDN from Bio-compost + Azotobacter 2.5 l ha-1 + PSB 2.5 l ha-1 was found better with respect to different growth and yield parameters likes days to first female flower (36.30 days), length of main vine at 60 DAS (199.50 cm) and final harvest (408.50 cm) and number of primary branches per vine at final harvest (18.68), length of fruit at 2nd harvest (37.05 cm), 3rd harvest (35.90 cm), 6th harvest (38.63 cm) and at 7th harvest (35.43 cm), girth of fruit at 2nd harvest (13.73 cm), 3rd harvest (15.43 cm), 6th harvest (14.28 cm) and at 7th harvest (13.70 cm), number of marketable fruits plot-1 (67.13), average fruit weight (227.43g), total fruit yield (12.30 t ha-1), marketable fruit yield (22.23 kg plot-1), marketable fruit yield (11.12 t ha-1) and total number of pickings (15.58) on pooled data basis.
Pages: 1064-1069  |  716 Views  451 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
HS Patel, NB Patel, JP Sarvaiya, SL Chawla. Integrated nutrient management (INM) on growth and yield of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula L.) cv. GARG-1. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1064-1069.

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