Heterosis for growth, yield and quality characters in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.)
Omprasad J, Dr. Madhumathi C, Dr. Syed Sadarunnisa, Dr. Tanuja Priya B, Dr. M Jayaprada and Dr. Arunodhayam K
An investigation was carried out to assess the extent of heterosis for fruit, yield and quality parameters in muskmelon. Fifteen hybrids and six Parents two standard checks were investigated for twenty four characters for over a period of three Seasons viz., summer, kharif and rabi in 2019-2020 at vegetable block, College of Horticulture, Anantharajupet, Dr. YSR Horticultural University. Hybrids developed by half diallel design, with six lines. The analysis of variance indicated significant variation for all the characters except the node at which the first male flower appeared. Four crosses C10 (AM Sel-3 × AM Sel-4), C11 (AM Sel-3 × AM Sel-5), C14 (AM Sel-4 × AM Sel-6) and C15 (AM Sel-5 × AM Sel-6) showed superior performance of the yield and other important quality traits. After sufficient evaluation, these hybrids were identified as potential hybrids for widespread cultivation and commercial exploitation.
How to cite this article:
Omprasad J, Dr. Madhumathi C, Dr. Syed Sadarunnisa, Dr. Tanuja Priya B, Dr. M Jayaprada, Dr. Arunodhayam K. Heterosis for growth, yield and quality characters in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):1056-1063.