Treatment of enteritis in goats with traditional ethno-veterinary medicine formulation
M Sakthi Priya, Mohan B and Jagadeeswaran A
An On farm trial for treating enteritis in goats with traditional ethno veterinary medicine was undertaken by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Namakkal in a total of twenty five goats reporting to the Kendra, and as well as in the cases reporting to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Namakkal. Twenty five goats were kept as check for the study. The case history collected from the farmers revealed over feeding, overstocking, poor sanitation, inadequate dry matter intake and symptoms exhibited were weight loss, indigestion, diarrhoea, anorexia, dehydration and pasty faeces. Treatment was initiated with the oral administration of traditional ethnoveterinary medicine consisting of cumin seeds (20g), poppy seeds (20g), fenugreek (20g), pepper (5g), turmeric (5g), asafetida (5g), onion (10Nos), garlic (5 Nos) and curry leaves (100g) thrice daily consecutively for three days (the herbal preparation was made by freshly grinding the materials every time before application). The traditional ethno-veterinary medicine formulation was found to be effective to treat diarrhoea, regain appetite and improved overall general body condition of the animals.
How to cite this article:
M Sakthi Priya, Mohan B, Jagadeeswaran A. Treatment of enteritis in goats with traditional ethno-veterinary medicine formulation. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(8):541-544.