Effect of weed control treatments on weed control efficiency and weed index in chickpea
Raghvendra Singh, Ravi Shankar Singh, Kuldeep Singh and Vishal Singh
The investigation was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology. Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.) during Rabi season of year 2017-18 and 2018-19. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replication. The experiment was carried out with 12 treatments viz.: T1- Imazethapyr + imazamox (PRE), T2- Imazethapyr+ imazamox (POE) at 3-4 leaf stage, T3- Imazethapyr (POE) at 3-4 leaf stage, T4- Quizalofop ethyl (POE) at 3-4 leaf stage, T5- Clodinofop (POE) at 3-4 leaf stage, T6- Pendamethalin (PE), T7- Pendamethalin (PE)+ Imazethapyr (POE), T8- Oxyfluorfen (PE), T9- Oxyfluorfen (PE)+ Quizalofop (POE), T10- 1 Hand Weeding at 35-40 DAS, T11- Weed Free and T12- Weedy Check respectively. The objective of the study was to study the bio-efficacy of herbicides and cultural practices on weed control. On the basis of the experiment it may be concluded that pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 1000 g ha-1 along with post-emergence application of either Imazethapyr proved superior over rest of the treatments with respect to weed control efficiency. Weed control efficiency was recorded highest with pendimethalin 1000 g and oxyfluorfen 200 g ha-1 as PE when supplemented with the sequential application of Quizalofop or imazethapyr g ha-1 as PoE each in both of the pre-emergence herbicides (T6 & T7/T8 & T9) over single application of either pendimethalin 1000 g or oxyfluorfen 200 g ha-1 as PE.
How to cite this article:
Raghvendra Singh, Ravi Shankar Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Vishal Singh. Effect of weed control treatments on weed control efficiency and weed index in chickpea. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(7):977-980.