Abstract:Field experiments were conducted during summer season of 2018-19 and 2019-20 at Research Farm, Division of Agronomy, SKUAST- J, Chatha. The soil of the experimental site was sand clay loam in texture, slightly alkaline in reaction, low in organic carbon and available nitrogen but medium in phosphorus and potassium. The experiment was laid out in split -split plot design with three factors replicated thrice. Eighteen treatment combinations comprising of three fertility levels,
viz. Control, RDF and 75% of RDF were taken as main plot treatments, two subplot treatment comprising of biofertilizer consortium
viz., seed treatment (1.25kg/ha) and soil application (1.25kg/ha) and three foliar application of 2% NPK (19:19:19)
viz., at tillering, flowering and tillering+ flowering stage as sub-sub- plot treatments. Wheat crop was sown at spacing of 20 cm with seed rate of 100 kg/ha. Half dose of nitrogen as per the treatment combination and uniform basal application of 50 kg P
5 and 25 kg K
2O per hectare was applied to all the treatments through urea, DAP and MOP and the remaining nitrogen was top dressed in two equal splits at CRI and before booting stages. However, blackgram was sown after wheat to study the residual effect of treatment applied to wheat crop at spacing 30 cm with seed rate of 20 kg/ha.
Residual effect on blackgram among the fertility levels, RDF observed higher plant height as compared to 75% of RDF. However, control recorded lowest values of plant height of blackgram crop. Whereas, soil application of biofertilizer consortium recorded higher plant height of blackgram in comparison to seed treatment with biofertilizer consortium applied in wheat as main crop. Among the foliar application 2% of NPK (19:19:19) higher values of plant height of blackgram were recorded in foliar application of 2% NPK (19:19:19) at flowering stage as compared to tillering and tillering +flowering stages of wheat crop during both the years.