Effect of Xanthan gum and drying temperature on quality characteristics of garlic powder
Nusrat Chowdhary, Julie D Bandral, Monika Sood, Neeraj Gupta, Upma Dutta and Rafeeya Shams
In present study, garlic was peeled and converted into paste by adding foaming agent viz. Xanthan gum. The work comprised of the following treatments: T1 (Control), T2 (0.5% Xanthan gum), T3 (1% Xanthan gum), T4 (1.5% Xanthan gum). The foamed garlic paste was dried at 50 and 60oC and converted into powder. The foam mat dried garlic powder was packed in polypropylene bags and stored under ambient conditions followed by analysis at a regular interval of 30 days upto three months to ascertain the changes in functional and bioactive properties. In case of both drying temperatures (50 and 60 oC), minimum mean bulk density of 0.372 and 0.362(g/ml) and water activity of 0.492 and 0.481 were observed in T4 (1.5% Xanthan gum). However, the highest mean rehydration ratio of2.434 and 2.459 were observed in T4 (1.5% Xanthan gum). The highest mean L* value of 94.21 and 93. 20 were observed in T4 (1.5% Xanthan gum). Sensory evaluation of foam mat dried garlic powder revealed that T4 (1. 5% Xanthan gum) recorded the highest mean score for overall acceptability (8.10 and 8.02) when dried at 50 and 60oC, respectively. In general bulk density and water activity increased whereas, calcium content, antioxidant activity and total phenol content decreased during storage. Overall, foam mat dried garlic powder prepared using T4 (1. 5% Xanthan gum)was adjudged as best for retaining quality attributes, enhanced shelf life and higher overall acceptability scores.
How to cite this article:
Nusrat Chowdhary, Julie D Bandral, Monika Sood, Neeraj Gupta, Upma Dutta, Rafeeya Shams. Effect of Xanthan gum and drying temperature on quality characteristics of garlic powder. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(7):411-418.