Path coefficient analysis for flower quality traits of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) genotypes
Vijayalakshmi M, Manoharrao A, Nirmala A and Swathi K
Path coefficient analysis were studied in ten diverse genotypes of gerbera for twenty characters under naturally ventilated polyhouse conditions during 2015-2016, Horticulture University, Hyderabad. Path analysis showed that days taken for first-flower opening showed the maximum direct effect and positive impact on number of flowers per plant followed by leaf area, number of ray florets, flower stalk length, leaves produced per plant, fresh ness of fresh weight of flower, number of suckers per plant, chlorophyll content, flowering duration, flower stalk diameter and longevity of cut flower come out as salient features of gerbera cut glower yield in the current study. The residual effects appeared to be quite low magnitude which indicated that the characters included in this trail explained almost all variability towards flower yield.
How to cite this article:
Vijayalakshmi M, Manoharrao A, Nirmala A, Swathi K. Path coefficient analysis for flower quality traits of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii L.) genotypes. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(7):307-310.