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Vol. 10, Issue 7 (2021)

Assess the performance of different pearl millet varieties on different growth stage and post-harvest economics under different dates of sowing

Tomar Bhavna, Sasode DS, Bhadoria SS, Singh SK, Tomar SS and Kasana BS
Pearl millet is commonly known in India as Bajri or Bajra. It is the most widely grown type of millet. Pearl millet is a good source of protein and carbs and a decent source of fiber. It’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals (All India Coordinated Research Project). Overall, millet is a nutritious carbohydrate source. An experiment was conducted during the Kharif season of 2016 at College of Agriculture, RVSKVV, Gwalior. The present investigation aimed to estimate the performance of different pearl millet varieties on growth and economics under different dates of sowing. With the treatment combination of three Date of Sowing (20th, 30th July and 9th August) and five varieties of pearl millet (Big B, Crystal Dhoom, Boss-65, Ankur-045 and 86M86).The result reveled that higher Dry matter (g /plant) at 30, 60 DAS and at harvest stage, number of productive tiller / plant at harvest stage was recorded maximum under the variety crystal Dhoom with sowing date of 9 august of pearl millet. And plant population were not affected significantly as per treatment respectively. The economic attributes were also follow the same trend as / growth characters and the maximum gross Return (Rs/ha), net Return (Rs/ha) and B:C ratio was obtained under the variety crystal Dhoom, which was followed by Big B, Ankur-045, 86M86 and the minimum was recorded in the variety Boss - 65 and sowing date of 9 august of pearl millet.
Pages: 240-244  |  707 Views  281 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Tomar Bhavna, Sasode DS, Bhadoria SS, Singh SK, Tomar SS, Kasana BS. Assess the performance of different pearl millet varieties on different growth stage and post-harvest economics under different dates of sowing. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(7):240-244.

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