Residual persistence of pesticides on brinjal in different growing seasons
SB Gaikwad, MB Chetti, DI Jirali and AP Lambat
A study was conducted during two kharif and two rabi 2013-14 and 14-15 in the farm of MARS, Department of Crop Physiology, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka to evaluate the residues of pesticides and its persistent in brinjal. The samples were also collected from farmers field during survey was conducted to study the farmer perception on residues management in brinjal. The samples collected from farmers field and experimental plots subjected to residue estimation. Four different pesticides (thiodicarb-P1, spinosad-P2, profenophos-P3 and chlorantrinalliprole-P4) were sprayed on four different varieties of brinjal (Malapur local-V1, Kalpataru-V2, Manjula-V3, Manjari-V4) with one nonsprayed control(P0). Experiments laid out in factorial randomized block design with three replication. The pesticides sprayed at recommended dose (thiodicab 75WP@1g-1l,spinosad 45 SC @0.1 ml-1l profenophos50 EC@2ml-1l and chlorantraniliprole 20 SC @ 0.5 ml-1l) which are used to control shoot and borer management suggested by agricultural expert. The developed method (LC-TMS) described above permitted the fast and easy qualitative screening of all pesticides detected. In the survey, samples collected from farmers field were monitored for the level of pesticides residues. Results showed the intensity of pesticides exceeding the approved MRLs among the sample of Dharwad district. The pesticides detected in samples collected from Gadag distict are same as that of Dharwad and Belgavi except one pesticide hexaconozole detected in sample number GB-3. The persistence of thiodicarb, spinosad and clorantraniliprole till 24 hr in brinjal has been reported during both the Kharifs and Rabi seasons. The persistence of profenophos in brinjal up to 96 hr after spraying has been reported while residue dissipiated completely within 96 hr after spraying found below MRL level fixed by FAO.
How to cite this article:
SB Gaikwad, MB Chetti, DI Jirali, AP Lambat. Residual persistence of pesticides on brinjal in different growing seasons. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(6):108-118.