Impact of front line demonstration in adoption extent and horizontal spread of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) cultivation in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh
Pankaj Kumar Singh, Shashi Kant Yadav, Rajiv Kumar Singh, DK Verma and Satrudhan Singh
Front Line Demonstration using Integrated Crop Management (ICM) on pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) were laid down at 63 farmer’s fields to demonstrate production potential and economic benefits of improved production technologies in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh during 2016-17 and 2017-18. The present study was undertaken to found the yield gap through FLDS on Pigeon pea crop. Pigeon pea variety Narendra Arhar 2, balanced use of fertilizer on the basis soil testing report and integrated pest and disease management, The was applied study on cost of cultivation, production, productivity, gross return and net return was carried out. The result of present study revealed that average highest yield in demonstration was recorded 17.80 q/ha in demonstrated plot over control (10.90 q/ha) with an additional yield of 6.90 q/ha. The increasing average pigeon pea productivity was 52.14 per cent. The average extension gap and technology gap was 6.90 q/ha, with the Technology index 19.3 per cent during the demonstration years. Besides this, the demonstrated plots gave higher gross return, net return with higher benefit cost ratio when compared to farmer’s practice were also made to study. The impact of FLD on horizontal spread was increased 340 %, if appropriate package and practices are followed.
How to cite this article:
Pankaj Kumar Singh, Shashi Kant Yadav, Rajiv Kumar Singh, DK Verma, Satrudhan Singh. Impact of front line demonstration in adoption extent and horizontal spread of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) cultivation in Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(6):556-559.