Assessment of existing genetic variability and yield component analysis in Niger [(Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass.]
KD Bhoite, HM Patil, DV Kusalkar, SD Patil, SR Pardeshi and KM Sonawane
The present investigation was carried out at the Zonal Agriculture Research Station, Igatpuri during Rabi 2020 to evaluate the presence of genetic variability for seed yield and yield contributing characters of niger germplasm. Analysis of variance revealed that the mean sum of square due to genotypes were highly significant for all the characters except plant height, number of branches per plant and 1000 seed weight indicating the existence of sufficient amount of variability among the genotypes The traits viz., seed yield per plot, diameter of cpitula, number of capitula per plant, number seeds per capitula and 1000 seed weight observed high heritability with high genetic advance reveals that these characters are governed by non additive gene effects. Hence selection procedure may be utilized in further crop improvement.
How to cite this article:
KD Bhoite, HM Patil, DV Kusalkar, SD Patil, SR Pardeshi, KM Sonawane. Assessment of existing genetic variability and yield component analysis in Niger [(Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass.]. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):1631-1633.