Effect of source and levels of phosphorus on nutrient content, uptake, availability, partial factor productivity and economics of no till sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)) in rice-sorghum sequence
H Arunakumari, M Martin Luther and K Chandrasekhar
An experiment was conducted during kharif 2016-17 and 2017-18 to determine the impact of phosphorus management i.e., the influence of source and levels of phosphorus on nutrient content, uptake, availability, partial factor productivity and economics of no till sorghum in Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla. Significant improvement in nutrient uptake, availability (NPK), and economics of no till sorghum was observed in green manuring in situ with dhaincha along with PSB treatment. Partial factor productivity of no till sorghum was higher with 50% RDP than 100% RDP. Availability of NPK was enhanced with increased rate of P2O5 application up to some extent but optimum grain yield, nutrient uptake and availability after harvest of no till sorghum crop was observed with the 50% RDP which was on a par with 100% RDP.
How to cite this article:
H Arunakumari, M Martin Luther, K Chandrasekhar. Effect of source and levels of phosphorus on nutrient content, uptake, availability, partial factor productivity and economics of no till sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)) in rice-sorghum sequence. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):1548-1557.