Study of different phosphorus fractions and their relationship with soil properties under major cropping systems in soils of Chittoor district, A.P.
GK Surya Krishna, T Giridhara Krishna, V Munaswamy and Y Reddi Ramu
An investigation was undertaken during 2018-19 in Southern zone of A.P. to study different Phosphorus fractions and their relationship with Soil properties under major cropping systems of Chittoor district. Majority of the soils were moderately alkaline in reaction, non-saline, free lime content indicating that these soils are moderately calcareous, medium to high in available P2O5.The highest mean values for saloid-P (28.28 mg kg-1), Fe-P (50.68 mg kg-1), total-P (490.28 mg kg-1) and other forms of P (406.44 mg kg-1) were recorded in Sugarcane mono cropping system and available P2O5 (113.57 kg ha-1) and Ca-P (108.26 mg kg-1) were recorded in Bajra-Groundnut cropping system. Free CaCO3 showed positive and significant correlation with saloid-P and Ca-P. Available P2O5 showed positive and significant correlation with Al-P and Ca-P, whereas, saloid-P showed significant and positive correlation with Fe-P and total-P, Fe-P showed positive and significant correlated with total-P and other forms of P. Total-P showed positive and significant relation with other forms of P.
How to cite this article:
GK Surya Krishna, T Giridhara Krishna, V Munaswamy, Y Reddi Ramu. Study of different phosphorus fractions and their relationship with soil properties under major cropping systems in soils of Chittoor district, A.P.. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(5):403-407.