Studies on effect of different biofertilizers on nutrients availability and uptake of nutrients under chickpea crop
Sandeep Yadav, Suresh Kumar, Kumar Anshuman, Nandan Singh, Anurag Srivastava, Dharmendra Kumar Yadav and Ajay Dev
A field experiment was conducted at Instructional Farm of the ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.), during Rabi of 2017-18 to evaluate the Effect of different combination of biofertilizers on nutrient uptake and soil fertility under chickpea. The results revealed that the combined application of RDF 100%, Rhizobium, PSB and azotobacter (T8) significantly improved the N, P, K uptake by chickpea crop and improve soil properties like increase in availability of N (152 to 265.90 kg/ha), P (16.5 to 18.29 kg/ha), K (225.36 to 258.20 kg/ha), S (13.19 to 14.63 kg/ha) and Zn (0.49 to 0.59 ppm), organic carbon (3.5 to 3.9 g kg-1) as well as maximum decline in soil pH (8.62 to 8.30) and EC (0.36 to 0.28 dSm-1) which is closely followed by treatment (Rhizobium + PSB) T5.
How to cite this article:
Sandeep Yadav, Suresh Kumar, Kumar Anshuman, Nandan Singh, Anurag Srivastava, Dharmendra Kumar Yadav, Ajay Dev. Studies on effect of different biofertilizers on nutrients availability and uptake of nutrients under chickpea crop. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(4):546-549.