Effect of thatched poultry housing system on egg production in Konkan
SK Jain
The relative humidity variation during raining season was found to be in the range of 82% to 98%. The average temperature difference between inside and outside poultry structure was about 0.7 oC. The Relative humidity and temperature before thatching roof in sunny days showed that the average temperature difference between inside and outside poultry structure was 1.1oC. The Relative humidity and temperature after thatching roof in sunny days showed that the average temperature difference between inside and outside poultry was 2.4 oC. Thus, it was observed that after thatching the inside temperature was reduced considerably. The egg production after thatching roof was increased to the tune of 0.5 per cent which was reduced by 1.94 per cent.
How to cite this article:
SK Jain. Effect of thatched poultry housing system on egg production in Konkan. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(4):480-484.