Assessment of microenvironment under hardening shed on mango and cashew grafts
SK Jain
Crop grown in open condition gets affected from various pests and diseases. Nets are commonly used to protect agricultural crops from excessive solar radiations, extreme temperature and pests. Hardening shed creates an appropriate micro climate conducive to plant growth. It was found that outside hardening shed the temperature was 1.9 °C more than inside temperature. The height, diameter of stem and number of leaves of mango and cashew seedlings were found to be higher in the hardening shed as compare to outside the shed. The effect of green shade net cladding over hardening shed posses positive impact on growth of mango and cashew seedlings.
How to cite this article:
SK Jain. Assessment of microenvironment under hardening shed on mango and cashew grafts. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(4):475-479.