Correlation studies and path coefficient analysis of yield attributing traits among selected F2 populations of intra-hirsutum cotton hybrids under rain-fed situation
Suman Parre and Rajesh S Patil
Genetic potential of the cotton to tolerate rain-fed situation is of utmost importance. In this regard selected F2 populations i.e. F3 generation consisting of 90 lines and 5 checks replicated in augmented design were studied for contribution of different componental traits related to yield and other significant traits under rainfed situation. Traits such as number of sympodial branches, inter boll distance, boll weight, number of bolls per plant, number of seeds per boll, ginning out turn, halo length root dry weight, biomass showed significant positive correlation with seed cotton yield. Direct and indirect effects estimated along with correlation studies using Windostat software depicted that halo length (0.758) followed by boll weight (0.332) and ginning out turn (0.229) had high direct effect on seed cotton yield per plant. Highest negative direct effect was on behalf of inter boll distance (-0.108). Traits such as lint index exhibited highest indirect effect through boll weight (0.628) ensuingly halo length through root dry weight (0.492). hence selection of high yielding promising genotypes must be greatly emphasized on genotypes having more halo length, ginning out turn, boll weight and root dry weight and lint index and root dry weight can also be used for indirect improvement of seed cotton yielding genotypes.
How to cite this article:
Suman Parre, Rajesh S Patil. Correlation studies and path coefficient analysis of yield attributing traits among selected F2 populations of intra-hirsutum cotton hybrids under rain-fed situation. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(3):942-950.