Abstract: Sugarcane crop requires huge quantity of seed cane for planting under conventional method, which contributes a major share in cost of cultivation. Besides, large quantity of seed material poses a big challenge for transportation and handling. This problem can be effectively addressed through adoption of sustainable sugarcane initiative through planting of bud chips, which can save the cost and inconveniences associated with conventional planting methods. Several authors have reported advantages of planting single bud chips over conventional methods with respect to germination, crop establishment, growth and development of sugarcane crop. Sustainable sugarcane initiative technology favourably influenced various yield attributing factors such as plant stand, millable cane per clump and weight of single cane thereby resulting in higher yield. Some authors have also recorded higher brix value and higher juice weight at harvesting stage with planting of single chip bud seedlings of sugarcane. Compared with conventional method, economics of cultivation goes in favour of bud chip method of planting. Based on research findings by various workers, it can be said that planting of sugarcane by bud chip method is superior to planting by conventional methods.