Formulation of refreshing drink using dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) as an immunity booster
Author(s): Vishakha, Mamta Singh and Vimla Dunkwal
Abstract: Dragon fruit is an exotic fruit loaded with lots of nutrients contributing to therapeutic benefits. It is the chief source of antioxidants including vitamin C, flavonoids and betacyanins. The most common variety (Hylocereus undatus) of fruit was processed to develop and standardize a healthy refreshing drink for immune boosting. Pulp and peel of the fruit were utilized and mixed with lemon juice in different proportions until desirable sensory scores were obtained. Nine-point Hedonic Rating Scale was used for assessment of sensory characteristics. Three variations T1, T2 and T3 were developed and compared based on sensory attributes to evaluate consumer acceptability. Nutrient composition and cost calculation were also done together with organoleptic evaluation of products. Sample T1 made with both pulp and peel mixed together with lemon juice was “liked very much” and secured highest score (8.1). Moreover, the uppermost score (8.6) found in T1 for colour categorized as “liked extremely”. On the other hand, the lowest score (6.5) was found for texture of T2. Highly significant differences were found between sensory attributes of treatments. The nutritive values found for energy was 87 kcal, carbohydrate 20 g, protein 0.76 g, fat 0.36 g, fibre 1.56 g and vitamin C 44 mg per 100 g having cost ₹26.00 for the same quantity. The drink thus developed was found to be most acceptable having reasonable cost and numerous nutritional benefits.
Vishakha, Mamta Singh, Vimla Dunkwal. Formulation of refreshing drink using dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) as an immunity booster. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(3):80-83. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i3b.5746