Identification of critical limits for physical properties of soils as soil physical indicators for preparing soil health card for different textured soil
Prashant Deo Singh, Abhilasha Pathak, Anand Singh, Pramod Kumar, Ashok Kumar, BP Dhyani, Satendra Kumar, UP Shahi and Adesh Singh
The investigation entitled “Identification of critical limits for physical properties of soil as soil physical indicators for preparing soil health card for different textured soil” was carried during 2018-19 at department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, UP, India. Different physical properties like hydraulic conductivity, infiltration rate, porosity, aggregate stability and moisture limit were estimated for soil filled in pipe collected from three different locations after 20 days of maintaining the compaction level. The desired ideal and critical limit of various physical properties for better plant growth and poor root development were assessed at established ideal and critical limit of bulk density in the experiment. Since methods to measure physical properties are labour intensive and time consuming therefore soil bulk density measurement is often require as an input parameter for models that predict soil physical properties. Thus, models also have been developed in the study to predict ideal and critical limit values of soil physical properties from bulk density without expending extra money and time for digital mapping and preparation of soil health card.
How to cite this article:
Prashant Deo Singh, Abhilasha Pathak, Anand Singh, Pramod Kumar, Ashok Kumar, BP Dhyani, Satendra Kumar, UP Shahi, Adesh Singh. Identification of critical limits for physical properties of soils as soil physical indicators for preparing soil health card for different textured soil. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(2):577-580.