Study on modification of native potato starch by various techniques
Caresma Chuwa, Anju K Dhiman and NS Thakur
The aim of this research was to modify native potato starch extracted by physical, enzymatic and alkaline method to improve the solubility and swelling power. The ultrasonic and heat moisture treatment techniques were used for native potato starch modification. In ultrasonic technique, the solubility was ranging from 2.32-12.03% and swelling power was ranging from 2.92 to 5.89%. The solubility and swelling power in moisture heat treatment was ranging from 1.98% to 4.70% and 5.17% to 6.02% correspondingly. The modified potato starch recovery in current study was ranging from 93.94-99.44% and 95.77-99.62% in ultrasonication and moisture heat treatment appropriately. The utrasonication was the best technique to improve the solubility and swelling power of native starch modification. Further study is proposed for other techniques for native starch modification to improve solubility and swelling power of native potato starch such as chemical (NaOH, NaOCl, acid, alcohol), annealing, microwave heating and enzymatic methods (cellulase, protease, lipase).
How to cite this article:
Caresma Chuwa, Anju K Dhiman, NS Thakur. Study on modification of native potato starch by various techniques. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(2):538-540.