Screening and identification of chilli leaf curl virus resistance genotypes in chilli
Aniruddh Pratap Singh, SRP Singh, Mahender Pal, Ramashankar Singh, Radhey Shyam Singh and Ranju Kumari
The performance of nine genotypes of chilli namely; KDSC-410, Phule Jyoti, Punjab Lal, AKC-89/38, Pant C-1, Japani Longi, CV-2, Kalayanpur Chanchal (Check-1) and Pusa Jwala (Check-2) was assessed for yield attributes and CLCV tolerance at Research farm of Nalanda College of Horticulture, Noorsarai, Nalanda (Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur) Bihar during 2015-2016. Among the nine genotpyes, Japani Longi exhibited significant superiority with the highest production of No. of fruit per plant (206.500), fruit yield/plant (367.990 g.) with lowest days to 50 % flowering (52.530 days) and low CLCV incidence (9.130%), over the genotypes under investigation. On the other hand, out of nine screened genotypes, variety Pujab Lal showed lowest incidence of chilli leaf curl virus (5.770%) and also registered higher no. of fruits per plant (195.700) and fruit yield /plant (322.840 g). Pant chilli also showed low incidence of CLCV (6.330 %) and highest values for fruit diameter (11.390 mm), fruit length (8.800 cm). On the basis of overall performance of the genotypes, Japani Longi is the superior genotype for most of the traits studied among the nine chilli genotypes followed by Pujab Lal and Pant C-1.
How to cite this article:
Aniruddh Pratap Singh, SRP Singh, Mahender Pal, Ramashankar Singh, Radhey Shyam Singh, Ranju Kumari. Screening and identification of chilli leaf curl virus resistance genotypes in chilli. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(2):531-533.