Combining ability analysis for quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Amit Kumar, Ragvendra Tiwari, Narendra Pratap, Vikram Kumar Yadav and Hari Shankar
The present investigation was carried out to study general and specific combining ability of 16 parents and 48 hybrids of rice for their grain quality characters. The 48 hybrids derived from 4 lines and 12 restore parents as testers in L X T matting design. Analysis of variance for combining ability revealed significant for all the characters. Variance due to SCA were greater than GCA for all the traits indicating preponderance of non-additive gene action for these traits except kernal elongation ratio, shows GCA variance higher then SCA variance means predominantly controlled by additive gene action. The GCA effects revealed that among the testers R5, R2, R4 and R6; and among lines CMS 6A and CMS 15A had good general combining ability for most of the quality traits. On the basis of SCA effects crosses CMS 15A × R5, CMS 15A × R1 and CMS 15A × R2 having positive and desirable SCA effects for quality and some of its component traits merit attention in breeding programme for exploitation of hybrid cultivars.
How to cite this article:
Amit Kumar, Ragvendra Tiwari, Narendra Pratap, Vikram Kumar Yadav, Hari Shankar. Combining ability analysis for quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(2):117-122.