Effect of IBA and cutting thickness on growth attributes of grape rootstocks (Vitis vinifera L.)
Ghangale TS, Patil RA, Ralebhat BN, Patil OB and Hinge AM
The present investigation on the effect of IBA and cutting thickness on growth of grape rootstocks on days required for sprouting, sprouting percentage (%), number of sprouted bud per cuttings, Length of shoots 30,60,90,120 (cm) days after planting, Number of leaves per cutting, leaf area (cm2), fresh weight of shoots (g), dry weight of shoots (g), root: shoot on a fresh weight basis, root: shoot on a length basis, Root: shoot on dry weight basis, survival percentage (%) under protected condition was carried out during year 2020-2021. Factorial Random Block Design with three factors. 1st Factor four rootstock levels viz. Dogridge V1, Paulsen V2, 110R V3 and Salt creek V4. 2nd Factor three levels of cutting thickness viz. lower portion of cuttings L, middle portion of cuttings M and upper portion of cuttings U. 3rd factor three levels of IBA concentration IBA – control G0, IBA-1000 ppm G1 and IBA-2000 ppm G2. Among all the treatments results it was observed that cutting thickness of lower and middle portion of cutting showed maximum growth parameters while IBA concentration of 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm showed maximum growth attribute for grape rootstocks.
How to cite this article:
Ghangale TS, Patil RA, Ralebhat BN, Patil OB, Hinge AM. Effect of IBA and cutting thickness on growth attributes of grape rootstocks (Vitis vinifera L.). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(12):58-66.