Effect of planting geometry and nitrogen management on yield and economics of baby corn (Zea mays L.)
Tenny Maleth C, Rajesh Singh, Shivakumar Naik E and Praneeth Kumar M
A field experiment was conducted during Zaid 2021 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). The soil of experimental plot was sandy loam in texture, nearly neutral in soil reaction (pH 7.1), low in organic carbon (0.36%), available N (171.48 kg/ha), available P (15.2 kg/ha) and available K (232.5 kg/ha). The treatments which are different planting geometry with 40x20, 40x30 and 40x40 cm along with it Nitrogen applied at 120 kg/ha through different sources which are vermicompost, poultry manure and farm yard manure are used. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with twelve treatments each replicated thrice. The results showed that viz: the maximum no. of green cobs/plant (2.80), cob length (15.37 cm), girth of the cob (7.49 cm) and higher cob weight with husk (44.30 g/cob), cob weight without husk (17.11 g/cob), cob yield with husk (73.29 q/ha) and cob yield without husk (33.26 q/ha) were recorded in the treatment T2 which is with planting geometry of 40x20 cm + 75% nitrogen with urea+ 25% nitrogen with vermicompost as compared to all other treatments. However, the maximum gross returns (116410.00 INR/ha), net returns (73383.00 INR/ha) and B: C ratio (1.70) was significantly recorded in the treatment of T2 which is with planting geometry of 40x20 cm + 75% nitrogen with urea+ 25% nitrogen with vermicompost as compared to all other treatments.
How to cite this article:
Tenny Maleth C, Rajesh Singh, Shivakumar Naik E, Praneeth Kumar M. Effect of planting geometry and nitrogen management on yield and economics of baby corn (Zea mays L.). Pharma Innovation 2021;10(10):979-982.