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Vol. 10, Issue 10 (2021)

Impact of gypsum applications on major soil nutrients and quality improvement in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crops under inceptisols

Ramjeet Yadav, Shriman Kumar Patel, Sneha, Mamta Kumari, Ajeet Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Shobhnath Yadav, Manoj Kumar Singh, PK Yadav and RP Singh
The investigation was carried out on impact of major nutrient and gypsum on soil physico-chemical properties, and results revealed that combined application of NPK @ 25:50:20 kg ha–1and T4G400 kg ha-1 of gypsum in the soils significantly reduced the various attributes of soil nutrients, and results revealed that gypsum application methods in surface layer observed that NPK content in soils were significantly lower in control plot due to no NPK was applied in these treatments. The oil content in groundnut was found to be significantly lower in control in comparison to other gypsum application methods. Oil content in T1G100, T2G200 and T3G300were at par with each other. However, oil content in T4G400was found to be significantly superior with each other. Gypsum application methods, NP and K uptake in groundnut was found to be significantly lower in control in comparison to other gypsum application methods. Groundnut nitrogen uptake inT2G200, T3G300 and T4G400 were statistically at par with each other. However, groundnut nitrogen uptake in T1G100 was significantly lower than inT2G200, T3G300 and T4G400. But P and K uptake in groundnut was statistically similar to each other treatments. Overall, we can conclude that gypsum application under Sodic environment create feasible environments for better nutrient uptake, proper infiltration and aeration, increased N, P and K availability and optimum pH for proper growth and quality of groundnut.
Pages: 813-818  |  353 Views  187 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Ramjeet Yadav, Shriman Kumar Patel, Sneha, Mamta Kumari, Ajeet Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Shobhnath Yadav, Manoj Kumar Singh, PK Yadav, RP Singh. Impact of gypsum applications on major soil nutrients and quality improvement in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crops under inceptisols. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(10):813-818.

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