Abstract:A field trial was conducted during
rabi 2020 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). The soil was sandy loam in texture, low in organic carbon and medium in available nitrogen, phosphorous and low in potassium. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with nine treatments each replicated thrice. The treatments which are with T
1 - 20
10 cm + 100% RDN, T
2 - 20
10 cm +75% RDN + 25% N through VC + Azotobacter, T
3 - 20
10 cm +50% RDN + 50% N through VC + Azotobacter, T
4 - 25
10 cm + 100% RDN, T
5 - 25
10 cm +75% RDN + 25% N through VC + Azotobacter, T
6 - 25
10 cm +50% RDN + 50% N through VC + Azotobacter, T
7 - 30
10 + 100% RDN, T
8 - 30
10 +75% RDN + 25% N through VC + Azotobacter, T
9 – 30
10 +50% RDN + 50% N through VC + Azotobacter used. The results showed that Maximum seed yield (19.46 q/ha), stover yield (23.34 q/ha) were significantly recorded with 30
10 +75% RDN + 25% N through VC + Azotobacter compared to all other treatments. However, the maximum gross returns (116760.00 INR/ha), net returns (69540.00 INR/ha) and B:C ratio (1.47) was significantly higher recorded with the application of 20
10 cm +75% RDN + 25% N through VC + Azotobacter as compared to all other treatments.