Generating cadastral level digital map of soil macro nutrients of Perambalur block
Author(s): P Gayathri, K Sivakumar, S Pazhanivelan, KP Ragunath and R Kumaraperumal
Abstract: The study was conducted in Perambalur block to determine the soil nutrient status and to generate cadastral level soil fertility maps. The total geographical area of the respective block is 32076.48 ha and it lies between 11° 31' 53" and 11° 52' 05" N latitude and 78° 17' 21" and 78° 28' 28" E longitudes.The average rainfall of this region is 861mm.Based on the soil analysis, fertility maps were generated at scale (1:5000) using ArcGIS. Based on the surface soil samples, the digital soil nutrient maps at village level were generated by geocoding the nutrient database with survey points and by using geostatistical approach (Kriging). Perambalur block were low in nitrogen (<280 kg ha-1), high to very high in phosphorous (>22 kg ha-1) and medium in soil available potassium 118-225 kg ha-1. The greater utility of cadastral level soil nutrient maps shows the boundaries and ownership details as names of the survey district in block number which are used for individual farm level plans can be prepared and given to the farmers for the balanced fertilizer recommendation and nutrient for higher crop productivity.
P Gayathri, K Sivakumar, S Pazhanivelan, KP Ragunath, R Kumaraperumal. Generating cadastral level digital map of soil macro nutrients of Perambalur block. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(1):635-638. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i1i.5599