Soil carbon fractions as influenced by pre and post emergence herbicide in sweet corn grown in vertisols
RK Rathod, VP Bhalerao, PB Margal and RS Thakare
Field experiment was conducted at Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule during Kharif 2019 to study the effect of pre and post emergence herbicides viz., atrazine, halosulfuron methyl, 2-4-D ethyl ester, pendimethalin and tembotrione on soil carbon fractions in sweet corn. All the treatments of pre and post emergence herbicide application were statistically at par in respect of organic carbon fractions viz., total organic carbon, Walkley-black carbon, water soluble carbon, soil microbial biomass carbon, permanganate oxidizable carbon, particulate organic matter carbon and humic acid and fulvic acid at harvest of sweet corn. The total organic carbon, Walkley-Black carbon, water soluble carbon, soil microbial biomass carbon, permanganate oxidisable soil carbon, particulate organic matter carbon, humic acid and fulvic acid was decreased by 9.86 to 10.90%, 17.62 to 18.15%, 12.02 to 12.32%, 13.15 to 14%, 9.57 to 9.94%, 30.23 to 30.93%, 25.30 to 26.74% and 26.64 to 28.15% in the treatments of pre and post emergence herbicides (T3 to T10) over the initial values of 104.2 g kg-1, 5884 mg kg-1, 82 mg kg-1, 130 mg kg-1, 138 mg kg-1, 668 mg kg-1, 13.91%m and 7.28%, respectively. The per cent decrease over initial value in organic fractions in the herbicide treatments at harvest of sweet corn was comparatively less as compared to the treatment of weed free check (T2).
How to cite this article:
RK Rathod, VP Bhalerao, PB Margal, RS Thakare. Soil carbon fractions as influenced by pre and post emergence herbicide in sweet corn grown in vertisols. Pharma Innovation 2021;10(1):374-378.